The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards provide a framework for organisations to report on their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) impacts. This guide outlines the steps to effectively utilise the GRI Standards for ESG reporting.
The GRI Standards are organized into a modular system comprising three series:
Universal Standards: Applicable to all organizations, these include:
Sector Standards: Tailored for specific industries, these standards highlight sector-specific impacts and guide relevant disclosures.
Topic Standards: Focused on specific ESG topics, these standards provide detailed disclosures for each identified material topic.
Material topics reflect significant impacts on the economy, environment, and people, including human rights:
Once material topics are identified:
Compile the information following the GRI Standards' structure:
Ensure the report adheres to GRI's reporting principles, including accuracy, balance, clarity, comparability, reliability, and timeliness.
Organizations can declare their ESG report as:
After publishing the ESG report: